The Indian Air Force was once known as the Royal Indian Air Force. Despite the fact that this title was retained till the country's independence. Following independence, the term "royal" was discarded.

Indian Air Force Day is observed in the country today, October 8, 2022. This year marks India's 90th Air Force Day (Indian Air Force Day 2021). Chandigarh will this time mark the 1932 founding of the Indian Air Force (IAF). On this occasion, please share some fascinating facts and history about this day.


Air Force Day is held annually on October 8. The Indian Air Force has made tremendous preparations for this day when it will display its power. An air show is being held in Chandigarh in honor of Air Force Day.

This air show will feature 83 planes. The air show will feature 44 fighter aircraft, seven transport aircraft, twenty helicopters, and seven antique aircraft. Simultaneously, 9 planes would be held on standby. This time, the air show will be distinguished by the presence of new light combat helicopters.

Each army in the nation has a unique motto. The motto of the Indian Air Force is "Nabhah Spriushm Deeptam." The motto of the Indian Air Force is an excerpt from Lord Krishna's speech to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, which is included in the Gita's eleventh chapter. This credo guides the Indian Air Force's activities.

Interesting facts about the Indian Air Force 

1. The Indian Air Force is the world's fourth largest air force. Asia's biggest air base is the Hindon Air Force Station in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

2. The Indian Air Force, or IAF, has played an essential role in a variety of operations. Operation Poomalai, Vijay, Meghdoot, and others are examples.

3. The Indian Air Force also participates in United Nations peacekeeping missions.

4. Indian Air Force was the previous name for the Royal Indian Air Force. Despite the fact that this moniker was retained till the country's independence. Following independence, the term "royal" was removed.

5. The Indian Air Force has a considerable number of female fighter pilots, navigators, and officers that serve in the Indian Air Force. A female fighter pilot flies the Rafale fleet of the Indian Air Force.

6. The Indian Air Force has traditionally participated in relief operations in the country during natural disasters. The Gujarat cyclone (1998), the tsunami (2004), and the floods in North India are examples. However, the IAF set a world record by rescuing stranded residents in Uttarakhand during the floods. During the 'Rahat' mission, the Indian Air Force rescued around 20,000 civilians.

7. The Indian Air Force has about 1400 aircraft and around 170,000 soldiers.

8. The Indian Air Force has also participated in United Nations peacekeeping deployments.


Indian Air Force Day 2022: Significance

1. The Indian Air Force Day instills a sense of pride and patriotism in the individuals and the air force team. The holiday promotes national pride and honors the military's achievements and sacrifices. They also support children's aspirations to join the force.

2. Air Force Day is a commemoration of numerous historical events in which the air force was a tremendous help and successfully executed numerous significant missions on its own. It also serves as a remembrance of those occurrences. The day is also instructive.

3. Regardless of a person's social status or gender, IAS Day unites the nation and brings everyone together to honor the air force.