Every year on December 14, India honors National Energy Conservation Day. The day is conducted by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), which is part of the Ministry of Power, with the goal of highlighting India's outstanding achievements in cost-effective energy production and resource conservation. On this day, future plans are also considered, with the primary goal of mitigating climate change being holistic development. Follow top energy journalists and their work to become more involved in spreading awareness about climate change and energy conservation.


The goal of National Energy Conservation Day is to raise public awareness about the necessity of energy conservation in India. People are also kept up to date on new courses of action and plans as they are developed. There is information provided on reducing energy waste and how the general people can help conserve resources. Essentially, the goal of the day is to urge people to utilize energy more efficiently and to limit their usage of it.

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency - BEE, established under the Union Ministry of Power, has led the yearly festivities of National Energy Conservation Day on December 14 since 1991. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, a constitutional entity within the Government of India, assists in the creation and execution of plans and policies to decrease excessive energy usage. In 2001, the committee also passed 'The Energy Conservation Act.'

As part of its awareness program, prizes are given out on this day every year in 56 different sectors of the country to celebrate achievements in energy saving. The National Energy Conservation Awards Program recognizes industries, organizations, and businesses ranging from power plants to hotels to retail malls. The BEE also awards prizes to winners of the National Painting Competition with the theme of energy conservation.

India's development sectors are thriving, which is increasing the need for energy. India's resource requirements are predicted to more than treble by 2030. The BEE strategizes and creates policies to assist reduce this demand by promoting the adoption of energy-efficient measures.


1. Everyone bears some level of responsibility.

National Energy Conservation Day promotes the importance of energy conservation for all people, whether they are children or the elderly.

2. India has a significant role to play.

With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India is a massive country. Because they house such a big proportion of the world's population, they bear a disproportionate share of the blame for climate change.

3. The cascading effect

Even shutting off the water while brushing your teeth is beneficial! Good practices promoted through conferences, talks, and workshops make a real effect.

Objectives of National Energy Conservation Day

Every year, National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated with a certain subject of the year while keeping some goals and objectives in mind to make it more successful all throughout the country among people. Among the major objectives are:

1) It is observed to convey to people the need of conserving energy in all aspects of life.

2) Promoting the process of energy conservation throughout the country by organizing a variety of activities such as seminars, conferences, debates, workshops, and contests.

3) Encourage people to consume less energy by ignoring excessive and inefficient uses.

4) Encourage individuals to use energy in order to reduce energy consumption and avoid energy waste.