Every year on December 10, International Animal Rights Day, we honor the rights of our four-legged friends. The event is celebrated alongside Human Rights Day, as it should be, because animals have the right to be treated with respect, and brutality against them must end just as much as it does against humans.


Man has been killing and mistreating animals for selfish gain for hundreds of years. The rationale that it is done out of need has been pushed, whether it is in the exploitation of meat or animal fur for fashion and art.

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in response to Nazi Germany's torturing of people in concentration camps during World War II. Following this, groups, clubs, and individuals from all over the world began asking that this proclamation be extended to the animal realm and that December 10 be designated as a day to advocate for animal rights. The term "speciesism" was coined in 1970, 22 years after the United Nations passed its historic proclamation, to explore and stimulate dialogue on the discrimination against sentient beings based on their species.

The notion that animals are inferior and exist solely to meet the needs and desires of people is an illogical prejudice towards them. Animals suffer just as much, if not more than some sectors of the human race as a result of sexism and racism because they cannot protect themselves.

Even though this word was coined, it wasn't until 1998 that an official statement on animal rights was issued. Uncaged, an animal advocacy organization, established International Animal Rights Day to bring attention to all forms of animal violence. Because animals cannot protest, vote, or campaign for their protection, the founders of this day argued that it is the responsibility of people to do so for them. The date of December 10 was purposefully chosen so that International Animal Rights Day coincides with Human Rights Day. Since then, events, demonstrations, and fundraisers have been conducted around the world to expose the realities of animal abuse and exploitation, which have often been reported by traditional media.


Most people recognize that animals may experience pain. Many people believe that animals can experience and perceive emotions. For these reasons, it is critical to recognize that animals, like humans, have rights. Activists think that humans should do all possible to protect animal rights, including:

1) Instead of thinking of animals as human property, consider their companion animals rather than pets.

2) Avoid all animal products, including meat, leather, milk, wool, and silk.

3) Stop using animals in experiments.

4) Stop utilizing animals for entertainment and sporting events like rodeo, greyhound racing, and horseracing, employing them in movies and circuses, and displaying marine animals.

5) Humans should not hunt, fish, or wear fur, according to animal rights campaigners.


This day is marked by candlelight vigils held by animal lovers all across the world. This is to highlight the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. According to this declaration, animal rights are a logical continuation of basic human rights. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) encourages people to observe this day by not eating animals. They also promote the adoption of a vegan lifestyle. According to PETA, this will save 100 animals every year.