Review of the book: The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse


of the book: The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse

so small”, said the mole.

said the boy, “but you make a huge difference.”


This beautiful book “The Boy, the mole, the fox and
the Horse” written by Charlie Mackery, comprises of beautiful quotes which
according to me can help anyone to look life from a positive and a beautiful

According to me, the best part of the book was that it
could be read by anyone, whether a 7-year-old boy or an 88-year-old grandma!
Even those people like me who are not fond of reading, it is meant for them too
and I would recommend everyone to give it a shot!

 Another interesting
thing about the book is that for those people like me and the author as well
who are not fond of reading books because books are lengthy or some of us like
author who needs pictures, this book has it all which makes even more fun to


Summary of the book

The book unfolds the sweet and simple story of friendship
between the four main protagonists: The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse.

If one talks about the protagonists, one can observe
that the boy is lonely and is full of curiosity. He asks a lot of questions
about himself, his friends (the mole, the fox and the Horse) and about life.


The mole according to me was the wisest person among
their group who was a die-hard fan of cake!


The horse was a kind friend who was always there for
his friends. He too had a beautiful way of looking life and encouraged the boy
to do the same whenever the boy felt sad and hopeless about himself.


The fox is a silent friend and wary as according to
the author he has been hurt by life.

The author mentions in his introduction that the boy
was lonely when the mole first surfaces. Both of them spend their time in wild.
In their wanderings, they meet fox who as mentioned above who was silent most
of the time, but towards the end of the story he too begins to warm up and
express himself more.

During their adventures in the Spring field, they
encounter horse as well who was gentlest friend among the group.

As one continues to read the adventures of the four friends,
the most beautiful thing that anyone could observe that all of them are different
and have their own strengths, weaknesses and fears. All four of them don’t
judge each other, help each other and motivate each other to look at a positive
and a beautiful way of living life whenever one of them feels lonely, sad, hurt
or unloved.


They teach  each  other how to love themselves and treat life
with a little more kindness and embrace it with more love.


For example: There was a scene wherein the boy was fearful that his friends would not accept him for who he was. The wise mole had an exceptional answer.


Finally, I would
strongly recommend everyone to read this beautiful book and like me , embark on
the beautiful journey with the four protagonists! As one can say action speaks
louder than the words, or a picture can represent thousand words, according to
me, in this book , only two or three lines can show you a whole new way of
living life!

