Technology in Today's legal world

As things stand today the employment opportunities may shrink for those who are rolling stones but vastly  expand for those who are who keep pace with the turns and twists of technology in day to day Human quest ,aspirations and achievements. This technology transform legal practices, even  the way the law professor teach , Each lawyers to use a Laptop or some other computer  to work effectively. Students must be taught the following technologies in law school.

Legal Research has now moved from Hard copy to digital systems  such as west law, lexisnexis, cloud -based systems of Google scholar and wikipedia. More statutes are now available online . There are many changes in disclosing documents and filing documents in court . Keeping pace  with the changing world , courts in western countries have adopted modern technology . The most important document that took place in England over the least decade was modernization of Judiciary.

Some technologies that should be taught to law students in the law school are-
E-discovery -responsive information is digital on phone, websites, Facebook , E mail and voice mail messages. They should be aware of E-discovery tools and how to make efficient use of them. Powerpoint presentations/ presentation skill need to be learnt  . Attorneys are told to  deliver a much better  presentation to their listener.
Marketing / web design / social media-unbundled legal services in which potential clients increasingly choose online self help options, more than half of the law firms donot have website. Other spend thousand on web development.
Case management lawyers - lawyers utilize various tools to help manage client  and case information .all aspects like indexibg, sharing contacts and calendars , billing clients.
Hardware / software/Mobile- lawyers, especially those in solo environments have  numerous choice of technology.

Transformation changed the way law professors teach , many are changed averse and use the methods that their own professors employed  a generation before. Alose technology is unreliable.  Noone likes to have technology fail when calss is under their control thus element of uncertainity and stress in comfort zone .
 Students are encouraged to take class notes on a laptop , or tablet , using  Ms Word  ,Ever note or Google docs because its synthesizing  those notes later in the term.

Understanding technology , one important skill like fact invest, negotation, communication lawyer must be acquainted with. For law , more clients, strong work product,  more effective use of time, better job prospects, smoother transition into practice . Clients can talk to attorneys in way while traveing.