Happy New Year 2024 Publication Offer from EduPub

"Best Wishes to Authors and Scholars from Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd for 2024" by Editor

That's a wonderful message to extend to authors and scholars! Wishing them success, creativity, and inspiration in their endeavors throughout 2024. May this year be filled with great achievements, groundbreaking discoveries, and the realization of their literary aspirations. Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd's encouragement and support undoubtedly mean a lot to those navigating the world of publishing and academia.

 Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd seems to offer a fantastic deal for authors seeking publication in January 2024. Here's an expanded breakdown of the benefits included:

  1. Low Publication Cost: For just $20, authors can publish their work as an eBook or a print book. This affordable pricing can make publishing more accessible to aspiring writers.

  2. Promotion: Authors will receive free promotion on Edupedia Publications' site, which can significantly boost visibility. Additionally, having the book listed on Amazon and Google Books opens up vast distribution channels to reach a broader audience.

  3. Open Access Publication: Offering open access publication means the book will be freely available to readers, which can lead to increased citations and wider readership.

  4. Additional Services: Edupedia Publications offers other services, such as author profile creation and various allied services, though these may come at an additional cost. These services could include editing, cover design, marketing assistance, or any other support an author might need to enhance their book and author brand.

Overall, this comprehensive package provides an affordable publishing opportunity with extensive promotional avenues, including open access publication, aiming to support authors in gaining recognition and readership for their work.

Send mail to editor@edupub.org or Editor@pen2print.org for faster publication services.

This offer is valid for authors, looking for publication of their book in January 2023. Last date to get this offer is 31st January 2024. After that this discount offer will not be applicable. Please hurry up now.