The Impact of Conflict Management Strategies on Conscientiousness of Oil and Gas Firms in South-South Nigeria


Dr. Enyia, Charles Daniel1  & Prof. Akhigbe, Joseph Omoankhanlen2

1,2 Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt



This study investigates the impact of conflict management strategies on conscientiousness among staff members in the oil and gas industry in South-South Nigeria. The research involves a population of 320 employees holding supervisory positions and above from five prominent companies, including Nigerian Agip Oil (NAOC), Chevron Nigeria, Elf Petroleum Nigeria, Sahara Energy Fields, and Schlumberger Oilfield Services. A sample size of 175 respondents was randomly selected for data collection using structured questionnaires. The study employed a cross-sectional research design, and data were analyzed using correlation analysis. The findings reveal a significant positive correlation (r = 0.649, p < 0.01) between conflict management strategies and conscientiousness. The study emphasizes the importance of tailored conflict management approaches and highlights the positive relationship between effective conflict resolution and employee conscientious behavior. The results provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to enhance employee morale, productivity, and overall performance through proactive conflict management strategies. However, further research is recommended to explore causal relationships and potential mediators or moderators for a more comprehensive understanding of the observed correlation.

Keywords: Conflict management strategies, Conscientiousness, Oil and gas industry, South-South Nigeria, Employee behavior




In the ever-evolving landscape of the oil and gas industry, navigating complex challenges and maintaining a harmonious work environment are paramount to the success and sustainability of companies in the South-South region of Nigeria. Among the myriad challenges faced by these firms, effective conflict management emerges as a crucial factor that directly influences the conscientiousness and overall performance of the organization (Robbins, Judge,  Millett  & Boyle, 2019). Conflict, while inevitable in any dynamic workplace, can either be a catalyst for growth or a destructive force if left unaddressed. Hence, the way conflicts are handled and managed can significantly impact employee morale, productivity, and the overall culture of the company.


The oil and gas industry, known for its high-pressure operations, demands a cohesive and dedicated workforce. However, the presence of unresolved or mishandled conflicts can create a ripple effect, causing negative emotions, resentment, and reduced job satisfaction among employees. Conversely, organizations that adopt thoughtful and proactive conflict management strategies foster an environment that promotes collaboration, mutual understanding, and shared goals. Employees who feel that their concerns are valued and addressed are more likely to exhibit higher levels of conscientiousness, resulting in increased commitment and productivity within the organization.


In this article, we delve into the impact of conflict management strategies on the conscientiousness of oil and gas firms in the South-South region of Nigeria. We will explore various conflict resolution techniques, the role of organizational culture, and how effective conflict management can influence decision-making processes, resource allocation, employee turnover, and overall performance (Akhigbe, Finelady & Felix, 2014). By understanding the significance of conflict management in this industry's context, we shed light on how companies can proactively build a resilient and conscientious workforce, ultimately fostering long-term success amid the dynamic challenges faced in this competitive sector.

Conflict Management Strategies: An Essential Element


Conflict, in itself, is not always negative. In fact, it can lead to constructive outcomes when managed effectively. Conflict management involves employing strategies to identify, address, and resolve conflicts in a manner that promotes cooperation and mutual understanding (Thomas  & Kilmann,  1974). Various conflict management techniques, such as collaboration, compromise, accommodation, avoidance, and competition, can be applied depending on the nature of the conflict and the parties involved.


Theoretical Framework

Contingency theory

Contingency theory, when applied to conflict management strategies, emphasizes the importance of tailoring approaches to address specific conflict situations (Donaldson,  2001). Conflicts within organizations are diverse and can arise due to various contingencies such as differences in values, work styles, or goals. Instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all conflict management strategy, contingency theory encourages managers to assess the unique context of each conflict and choose the most appropriate approach accordingly.


For example, in conflicts stemming from miscommunication or misunderstandings between team members, a collaborative conflict management strategy might be effective. By encouraging open dialogue and active listening, team members can work together to identify the root cause of the conflict and jointly develop solutions that satisfy all parties involved. In this situation, a participative leadership style might be necessary to facilitate open communication and foster a collaborative atmosphere.


On the other hand, in a high-pressure and time-sensitive project where quick decisions are essential, conflicts may need swift resolution. In such cases, an autocratic or authoritative conflict management strategy might be appropriate, with a manager making decisive decisions to resolve the conflict promptly. However, it is essential for managers to consider the impact of such a decision on team morale and long-term working relationships.


Additionally, when dealing with conflicts related to organizational structure or resource allocation, a more analytical and data-driven conflict management approach might be required. Using rational decision-making models and considering the specific contingencies surrounding the conflict can lead to a fair and equitable resolution.


Contingency theory provides valuable insights into the selection and implementation of conflict management strategies (Burns  & Stalker,  1961). Managers must recognize that different conflicts require different approaches, and there is no universal solution to conflict resolution. By aligning conflict management strategies with the contingencies of each conflict, organizations can foster a more harmonious and productive work environment, leading to improved employee morale, collaboration, and overall organizational performance.


Conflict Management Strategies

Effective conflict management strategies play a crucial role in the dynamic and competitive landscape of the oil and gas industry in South-South Nigeria (Enyia & Nwuche, 2016). By encouraging open communication and providing conflict resolution training, organizations empower their employees to address conflicts proactively and constructively (Luthans, 2011). Open channels of communication allow individuals to express their concerns, ideas, and feedback, fostering a sense of trust and transparency. Conflict resolution training equips employees and managers with the necessary skills to navigate disputes effectively, promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.


In addition to open communication and conflict resolution training, utilizing neutral third-party mediators or facilitators can be instrumental in resolving complex conflicts (Akhigbe  & Gail,  2017). These impartial mediators guide the parties involved through a structured process, helping them identify underlying issues and find mutually agreeable solutions (Judge  & Bono,  2001). This approach promotes a sense of fairness and impartiality, encouraging all parties to work collaboratively towards resolution. Mediation can prevent conflicts from escalating and preserve positive working relationships.


Emphasizing collaboration and compromise within the organization leads to win-win outcomes in conflict resolution. Encouraging a collaborative approach fosters teamwork and unity among team members. When parties involved in a conflict work together to find solutions that satisfy their respective interests, it not only resolves the immediate issue but also strengthens relationships and encourages a sense of collective responsibility (Jehn, 1995). Compromising on certain aspects of the conflict allows all parties to make concessions, reaching a balanced resolution that takes everyone's interests into account.


To ensure consistency and fairness in conflict resolution, organizations need clear policies and procedures in place. Establishing comprehensive conflict resolution policies provides a structured framework for addressing conflicts promptly and effectively. Employees should be aware of the steps involved in reporting and resolving conflicts, ensuring a consistent approach across the organization. By having well-defined roles and responsibilities, organizations can minimize misunderstandings and conflicts arising from overlapping or unclear job responsibilities. Clearly outlining job roles fosters a sense of accountability and prevents potential areas of friction (Podsakoff, et al, 2003).


Furthermore, organizations can encourage a culture of learning from conflicts. After a conflict is resolved, feedback and reflection on the process can provide valuable insights (Jehn  & Mannix, 2001). Learning from past conflicts allows organizations to identify patterns and develop preventive strategies, reducing the likelihood of similar issues arising in the future (O'Reilly & Chatman, 1986). Creating a culture that embraces learning and continuous improvement contributes to a more conscientious and adaptive workforce.


Lastly, embracing diversity and promoting respect in the workplace is vital for reducing conflicts related to cultural or personal differences (Akhigbe, Felix  & Finelady, 2014). Acknowledging and valuing diversity within the organization fosters an environment where differing viewpoints are embraced and celebrated (Podsakoff, et al 2012). By promoting inclusivity and respect, organizations can mitigate conflicts stemming from bias or misunderstanding, ensuring a harmonious and productive work environment (Judge  & Bono, 2001).


Implementing effective conflict management strategies is essential for the success and sustainability of oil and gas firms in South-South Nigeria. By promoting open communication, utilizing mediation, emphasizing collaboration and compromise, and establishing clear policies, organizations can foster a positive work environment that enhances employee conscientiousness and overall performance (Rahim, 2002). Encouraging learning from conflicts and embracing diversity further contributes to a cohesive and resilient workforce, equipped to navigate the challenges of the industry successfully.



Conscientiousness is a fundamental personality trait that reflects an individual's tendency to be responsible, organized, and diligent in fulfilling their obligations and duties. It is one of the five major personality traits commonly known as the "Big Five" personality traits, which also include openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability (neuroticism). Conscientious individuals are characterized by their self-discipline, attention to detail, and commitment to achieving their goals (Organ  & Ryan,  1995).


In the context of oil and gas firms in South-South Nigeria, conscientiousness is a highly desirable trait among employees and leaders alike (Enyia, 2015). Conscientious employees demonstrate a strong work ethic and are dependable in completing their tasks with accuracy and efficiency. They take their roles seriously and are proactive in ensuring that projects are executed effectively (Thomas, 1976). These individuals are often seen as reliable team members, as they can be trusted to meet deadlines and deliver quality work.


Leaders who exhibit conscientiousness are essential for fostering a positive and productive work environment. Their strong sense of responsibility and organization sets a positive example for their team members (Podsakoff, et al 1997). They are committed to the company's goals and lead by example, encouraging their team to uphold the same level of dedication and accountability. Conscientious leaders are also more likely to implement effective conflict management strategies, as they prioritize open communication, fairness, and collaboration in resolving disputes.


In the oil and gas industry, where safety and precision are critical, conscientiousness is particularly valuable. Conscientious employees pay close attention to details, reducing the likelihood of errors that could lead to accidents or environmental hazards. They adhere to safety protocols and ensure that tasks are carried out according to established standards.


Moreover, conscientiousness is associated with long-term success and career advancement. Employees who consistently demonstrate conscientious behavior are often recognized and rewarded for their dedication and reliability. They are more likely to be entrusted with additional responsibilities and opportunities for growth within the organization (De Dreu, & Gelfand, 2008).


However, it is essential to strike a balance, as excessive conscientiousness can sometimes lead to perfectionism or overwork. Burnout can become a risk if individuals consistently place unrealistic demands on themselves. Organizations should be mindful of fostering a supportive work culture that encourages a healthy work-life balance and provides resources for managing stress and workload.


Conscientiousness is a valuable trait within oil and gas firms in South-South Nigeria. It is characterized by responsible and diligent behavior, which contributes to a positive work environment, improved conflict management, and overall success in this demanding industry. By recognizing and nurturing conscientiousness in employees and leaders, organizations can cultivate a motivated and committed workforce, driving excellence and resilience in the face of challenges.




Research Design:

This study will utilize a cross-sectional research design to collect data from the population of 320 staff within the cadre of supervisor and above from Agip Oil (NAOC), Chevron Nigeria, Elf Petroleum Nigeria, Sahara Energy Fields, and Schlumberger Oilfield Services. Cross-sectional research allows data to be collected from all participants at a single point in time, providing a snapshot of the current state of the variables of interest.


Population and Sampling:

The target population for this study is 320 staff members working as supervisors and above in the specified oil and gas companies. From this population, a sample size of 175 will be selected using a random sampling technique. Random sampling ensures that each staff member in the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample, increasing the representativeness of the sample.


Data Collection:

Data will be collected through structured questionnaires designed to capture information about conflict management strategies and their impact on conscientiousness. The questionnaire will consist of both closed-ended and Likert-scale questions. The questionnaire will be distributed electronically via email to ensure easy accessibility and timely responses. Additionally, reminders will be sent to encourage participation and improve response rates.


Variables and Measures:

The main variables of interest in this study are conflict management strategies and conscientiousness. Conflict management strategies will be measured using questions that assess the frequency and effectiveness of various conflict resolution approaches utilized by the staff. Conscientiousness will be measured using items that evaluate the level of responsibility, diligence, and commitment demonstrated by the staff in their work.


Data Analysis:

Data collected from the questionnaires will be analyzed using statistical software (e.g., SPSS). Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize the demographic characteristics of the sample and the distribution of responses on conflict management strategies and conscientiousness. Inferential statistics, such as Pearson moment correlation analysis will be conducted to explore the relationship between conflict management strategies and conscientiousness.



Data Analyses and Findings



Table 1: Showing Study Respondents

Name of Company

Staff strength  


Sample Size

Approximate Number

Nigerian Agip Oil (NAOC) 





Chevron Nigeria





Elf Petroleum Nigeria 





Sahara Energy Fields





Schlumberger Oilfield Services











The percentages are calculated based on the proportion of staff strength of each company to the total population of 320. The sample size for each company is approximately determined based on the percentage allocation to the total sample size of 175. To maintain the integrity of the study, the sample sizes were rounded to the nearest whole number.


Table 2 Respondents Age






Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















46yrs and above











The table shows the distribution of respondents' age groups. A total of 175 respondents participated in the study. The majority of respondents (50.3%) fall within the age group of 26-35 years, followed by 30.9% in the 18-25 years age group. Additionally, 12.0% of respondents are aged between 36-45 years, and 6.9% are 46 years and above. The cumulative percentage indicates the proportion of respondents accounted for by each age group, with a total of 100% representing all participants in the study.





H0: Confict management strategies does not relate with conscientiousness of oil and gas firms in south-south Nigeria







Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)







Pearson Correlation



Sig. (2-tailed)






**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).



CMS= Conflict management strategies

Cons= Conscientiousness



The correlation analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between Conflict Management Strategies (CMS) and Conscientiousness (Cons) among the respondents. The results indicate a significant positive correlation between CMS and Cons, with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.649** at the 0.01 level of significance (2-tailed).


The correlation coefficient of 0.649** suggests a strong positive association between CMS and Cons. This means that as conflict management strategies are effectively employed, there is a higher likelihood of observing conscientious behavior among the respondents. In other words, employees who demonstrate a greater use of conflict management strategies tend to exhibit higher levels of conscientiousness in their work, showing responsibility, diligence, and commitment to their duties.


The findings from this correlation analysis highlight the importance of implementing effective conflict management strategies within the organizations represented by the respondents. When conflicts are handled in a constructive and proactive manner, employees are more likely to feel valued and supported, which in turn fosters conscientiousness and dedication to their work responsibilities.


It is crucial to acknowledge that correlation does not imply causation. While the correlation between CMS and Cons is significant, other factors may also contribute to the observed relationship. Future research and additional statistical analyses could explore causal relationships and identify potential mediators or moderators that may influence the connection between conflict management strategies and conscientious behavior.



Summary of Findings


The study aimed to investigate the impact of conflict management strategies on conscientiousness among staff members working as supervisors and above in oil and gas companies, including Nigerian Agip Oil (NAOC), Chevron Nigeria, Elf Petroleum Nigeria, Sahara Energy Fields, and Schlumberger Oilfield Services. A total of 175 respondents participated in the study, representing a diverse age range, with the majority falling within the 26-35 years age group.


The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between Conflict Management Strategies (CMS) and Conscientiousness (Cons) among the respondents. The Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.649** indicated a strong positive association between the two variables. This implies that as conflict management strategies are effectively employed, there is a higher likelihood of observing conscientious behavior among employees. Employees who demonstrate a greater use of conflict management strategies tend to exhibit higher levels of responsibility, diligence, and commitment to their work duties.


The results suggest that organizations that prioritize conflict management and utilize effective strategies create a positive work environment, leading to improved employee conscientiousness and overall performance. Encouraging open communication, collaboration, and compromise in resolving conflicts can foster a sense of trust and support among employees, enhancing job satisfaction and dedication to organizational goals.


However, it is essential to note that correlation does not imply causation. While the correlation between CMS and Cons is significant, there may be other factors influencing conscientious behavior that were not explored in this study. Further research could investigate causal relationships and potential mediators or moderators to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of conflict management strategies on conscientiousness in the specific context of the oil and gas industry.


The study's findings highlight the importance of implementing effective conflict management strategies within oil and gas companies to foster a conscientious and committed workforce. Organizations that proactively address conflicts and create a positive work culture are likely to experience increased employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational success.




In conclusion, this study has explored the impact of conflict management strategies on conscientiousness among staff members in the oil and gas industry in South-South Nigeria. The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between conflict management strategies and conscientiousness, indicating that organizations that effectively handle conflicts are more likely to have a conscientious and dedicated workforce.


The study emphasizes the importance of adopting tailored conflict management approaches based on the unique contingencies faced by each organization. Open communication, collaboration, compromise, and effective conflict resolution training are key elements that contribute to a positive work environment and enhanced employee conscientiousness.




Based on the study's findings, the following recommendations are suggested for oil and gas firms in South-South Nigeria:


       i.         Implement Effective Conflict Management Training: Organizations should invest in conflict resolution training for employees and managers. Equipping them with communication and negotiation skills will empower them to handle conflicts constructively and proactively.


     ii.         Foster a Collaborative and Supportive Work Culture: Encourage a culture of collaboration, respect, and open communication within the organization. A supportive work environment enables employees to voice their concerns and work together to find mutually beneficial solutions.


    iii.         Utilize Neutral Mediators: In complex conflicts, consider using neutral third-party mediators or facilitators to guide the resolution process. Mediators can bring objectivity and impartiality, leading to fair and satisfactory outcomes.


    iv.         Tailor Leadership Styles: Managers should adapt their leadership styles based on the nature of conflicts and the needs of their teams. Being flexible and responsive to different situations fosters a positive work environment and encourages employee conscientiousness.


     v.         Enhance Decision-making Processes: Ensure that decision-making processes are transparent, inclusive, and based on data-driven insights. This fosters a sense of fairness and trust among employees.


    vi.         Regularly Assess and Review Conflict Management Strategies: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of conflict management strategies and be open to improvements. Solicit feedback from employees and use it to refine conflict resolution approaches.


   vii.         Support Employee Well-being: Promote work-life balance and provide resources for managing stress and workload. Addressing employee well-being can prevent burnout and enhance conscientious behavior.


  viii.         Conduct Further Research: As correlation does not imply causation, further research can explore the causal relationship between conflict management strategies and conscientiousness. Investigating potential mediators or moderators can provide deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms.


By implementing these recommendations, oil and gas firms can foster a positive and productive work environment, leading to increased employee conscientiousness, improved job satisfaction, and overall organizational success in the competitive and challenging oil and gas industry.




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