Every year on March 1, Zero Discrimination Day is honoured. It is primarily observed by the United Nations and other global institutions with the goal of eradicating all forms of inequality and injustice. Individuals must work together and contribute in order to build an unstoppable movement that promotes change and peace.


Every year on March 1, there is a global movement known as Zero Discrimination Day. The day, which is sponsored by UNAIDS, is a rallying cry for combating prejudice in all its manifestations and advancing tolerance and social inclusion. Although not everyone has the same level of privilege, it is wrong to deny someone the freedom to live their life as they see fit. All people have the right to live in dignity, regardless of their appearance, colour, location, or religious beliefs.

Unexpectedly, prejudice to the unfamiliar and ignorance are frequently the core causes of discrimination. A strategy to foster tolerance and patience for others is to raise awareness of and engage in discourse about discrimination. Discrimination must be fought against since it effectively violates human rights. Everyone has a chance to change things, which is wonderful news. Even if it might not appear that way, one action can start a chain reaction that changes civilizations such that they are founded on justice and equality.

The first Zero Discrimination Day was established in December 2013 by Michel Sidibé, the UNAIDS Director at the time. Zero Discrimination Day was held to put a stop to prejudice and discriminatory conduct toward various people and was inspired by World AIDS Day, a day dedicated to battling intolerance toward persons living with HIV/AIDS. In order to advance this cause, the United Nations has organised a number of events and created campaigns that recognise human life and the freedom to live it with honour and dignity, regardless of gender, race, religion, colour, country, impairments, and profession.

How to Observe Zero Discrimination Day

1. Celebrate Diversity

Celebrate the wonderful people in your life. Examine the impact of inequality on others.

2. Talk about it

Hold a seminar or discussion about discrimination. Find out what you can do to end it with people in your community.

3. Participate in campaigns

You can also participate in events held in your area. Register as a volunteer or join as a companion.

Why Zero Discrimination Day is Important

1. You Can Make a Difference

Small actions can make a difference. Whether at the individual, local or national level, it is important to speak up in situations of racial injustice and other issues of justice.

2. Struggle for Freedom

Discrimination is still an obstacle today. Only when grassroots discrimination is eliminated can real progress be made

3. Awareness is essential

We still have a long way to go. Until then, awareness of victims of discrimination is essential.

Five Facts About Discrimination

1. Racial Barriers

According to a recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, black Americans believe that their race hinders their success. I think it is highly possible.

2. Discrimination is man-made

Scientists refer to race as a man-made social construct, not a biological problem.

3. The numbers tell

He is less than 13% of the white students attending black majority schools.

4. Worse Figure

Although the figure is fairly low, black students make up one-third of all students expelled or suspended.

5. Unjustified Privilege

Official police statistics show that police are less likely to stop and investigate white Americans.