National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

On January 11, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, the ongoing problem of human trafficking is brought to light. Even though January is already designated as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, this particular day is devoted to raising awareness and stopping this illicit practice. Additionally distinct from the UN-designated World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is this celebration. Since the Senate declared this day to be observed in 2007, it has attracted a lot of popular support in the form of private donations to events that the government has planned. On this day, we are all urged to oppose human trafficking wherever it occurs because it affects people of all races and backgrounds horribly.


human trafficking is defined as the use of another person for labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sexual activity by coercion, fraud, or force. It also refers to the practice of using others against their will as slaves or labor. Unfortunately, slavery has persisted today even though many people are unaware of it for hundreds of years.

Most people are aware of the slave trade that existed in the 1400s and later. The slave trade was started by Europeans, who enslaved and sold millions of Africans from all over the continent for labor or sexual exploitation. For centuries, this method was popular in nations like Spain, the developing United States, Holland, France, Sweden, and Denmark.

Governments did not start to outlaw the Transatlantic slave trade until the late 1700s and early 1800s, with Great Britain establishing the standard in 1807 and the United States following in 1820. At that point, the slave trade was a capital offense, but it took decades for more people to be free. Slavery was largely abolished by the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 and the Thirteenth Amendment of 1866.

Governments only began to talk about "white slavery," the name used at the time for sexual human trafficking, after the Transatlantic Slave Trade was condemned as immoral. Twelve nations signed the International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic in 1904, the same year that the International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Trade was passed into law by European monarchs. White slavery was soon renamed "trade in women and children" by the League of Nations.


1. Knowing the Signs Can Save Lives

The ability to suspect or locate a human trafficking victim or offender can help save lives. Millions of people who are directly harmed by the sector include their families, friends, and other loved ones. Online tools exist that can assist you in identifying and preventing human trafficking.

2. It is a Growing Global Problem

It's difficult to comprehend that there are potentially over 30 million slaves alive today, and it's much more difficult to accept that the number is rising. The sooner awareness is raised, the sooner we can address the problem because this lucrative illicit sector relentlessly targets more vulnerable people for kidnapping and victimization
for both personal and monetary gain.

3. It Can Affect Anyone

Slavery is a global issue that affects people of all ages and continents, contrary to popular belief. We must all work together to eliminate the hazards we all face, even though some groups, such as women and people from underprivileged areas, are more at risk than others.