National Girl Child Day

It is marked on January 24 in order to raise awareness of the injustices that girls experience in Indian society, as well as the rights of girls and the value of their education, health, and nutrition. The day coincides with several government of India campaigns and programmes, such as Save the Girl Child and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

Objectives of National Girl Child Day

-National Girl Child Day is intended to raise awareness of the rights that girls possess, to provide them with equal opportunity to everyone else, to support the nation's girl children, and to do away with gender-based prejudices, according to the Women and Child Development Ministry.

-Additionally, it asks for raising awareness of the injustices that female children experience and educating people on the importance of educating girls.

-According to the government, changing how society views girls, reducing female feticide, and raising awareness of the declining sex ratio are the key goals.

- to raise people's awareness and give girl children in society new opportunities.

- To end all forms of discrimination against girls.

- To make sure that every girl child in the nation has access to all of her human rights, respect, and value.

- To educate individuals and work against gender inequality.

- To modify people's perceptions of females as children and combat India's declining child sex ratio.

- To raise public knowledge of the value and function of girls.

- To give girls rights and chances for improvement.

- To inform people about a girl's diet and overall health.

- To grant them equal rights and the freedom to travel to any location inside the nation.


How is National Girl Child Day celebrated?

To honour Girl Child Day, a variety of activities are planned across the nation in order to advance social causes such as education, status, and equality. Additionally, the Indian government runs a number of programmes to raise public awareness of the issue of girl children in Indian society. The Government of India draws attention to the issues and disparities affecting girls through this campaign. The government runs several advertising with the slogan "Save the Girl Child" across TV channels, regional newspapers, and radio stations. Even non-governmental organisations (NGOs) participate in the event and raise awareness among the public on how to treat and educate girl children equally.

government schemes for girls 

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

This programme, launched by the BJP-led NDA government in January 2015, intends to lower the CSR (Child Sex Ratio) and offer equal educational opportunities. The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and Ministry of Human Resources Development are working together on this project. A 100 crore rupee initial investment was made in the programme.

Sukanya Samridhhi Yojana

This government-sponsored programme aids parents in starting early savings for the girl child's education and marriage. When the account is opened, the girl child must be younger than 10 years old. The account may continue to be active until the girl turns 21. This small savings plan can be opened at specified commercial and public banks as well as post offices. As joint account holders, the baby girl's parents or legal guardians can open it as a savings account in her name. The initial outlay can range from as little as Rs 250 to as much as Rs 150,000. With a balance of at least Rs 1,000, the government offers an interest rate of 8.5%.

National Scheme of Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education

This programme attempts to encourage girls between the ages of 14 and 18 to enrol in secondary school. In May 2008, a centrally-sponsored programme was introduced. A deposit of Rs 3,000 is made as an FD in the qualifying girls' names under this programme. When the daughter turns 18 or when she passes her class 10 exam, she can withdraw the money.