World tourism day

At the beginning of 2022, there were twice as many
foreign visitors as there were in 2021. In some places, arrivals have even
surpassed pre-pandemic levels. Many millions of individuals around the world
will experience hope and opportunity when the last remaining travel
restrictions are lifted along with increasing consumer confidence.

The celebration of World Tourism Day comes at a time
when tourism is being acknowledged as a vital pillar of development and when
advancement is already well advanced. The United Nations General Assembly had a
special debate on tourism for the first time in May 2022, demonstrating the
industry's historical importance. Governments and international
organizations in every worldwide region are now focusing on tourism.

The UNWTO-led Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in
Tourism has seen a surge of signatories, which demonstrates how destinations and
businesses are proactive in adjusting to meet challenges and responsibilities.

The International Observance Day for Tourism will place
people at the forefront of important topics. Where is travel headed? Where are
we headed? How do we get there, too?

This will be reflected in the topic, "Rethinking
Tourism." It intends to stimulate discussion on how to rethink tourism for
development, particularly through employment and education, as well as the
industry's impact on the environment and potential for more sustainable growth.



It creates jobs

Tourism has
become a solid source of employment, even in the most distant parts of the
world. 7.6 million employment were supported by the travel, tourism, and
hospitality industries in just the United States in 2015. Therefore, one in
every eighteen Americans works in the tourism sector. When properly handled,
tourism has the potential to increase employment in areas where it has
increased due to inevitable factors like automation.

Its a money maker

tourists brought approximately $1.5 trillion in export revenue in 2015. For
smaller, less developed towns, this can be incredibly advantageous. The key to
ensuring that these revenues are shared among the community is the creation of
a sustainable tourism ecosystem. These regions are benefiting from the
implementation of clever tourist initiatives as a result of the WTO's work.

creates a better world

Sure, you might
sigh a little when you see yet another lost traveler in your neighborhood,
but the truth is that seeing new areas and traveling is healthy for our minds
and for society as a whole. So, get to work on your next vacation!


tourism industry

Today, one of the
economic sectors with the highest growth is the tourist sector. The tourism
sector has grown and expanded significantly in recent years. The arrival of
foreign tourists has dramatically increased over the last few decades. From 25
million in 1950 to 1.3 billion in 2019, it has increased significantly.
Additionally, the earnings have grown from $2 billion in 1950 to $1,260
trillion in 2015. One in ten jobs worldwide is provided by the tourism sector,
which is estimated to be worth 10% of the global GDP. Up until 2030, the UNWTO
anticipates a 3% yearly growth in the tourism sector.


in India

The industry's
projected value in India in 2018 was $240 billion, or 9.2% of the country's
GDP. In India, the sector employs an estimated 42.6 million people.

According to
figures from the tourism ministry, 10.04 million foreign tourists visited India
in 2017.