

Zoology is the branch of life sciences that deals with the animal organisms as contrasted to botany, the science that is concerned with the plant organisms. Zoology and botany make up the science of biology or the study of living things.

All the sciences are inter-related. Although biology uses physics, chemistry and other physical sciences in explaining its phenomena, biological principles are not merely an application of physicochemical laws. The laws of many life processes have no counterparts in physics or chemistry.

Many biological concepts can be expressed mathematically but others cannot. Biological sciences at present are often restricted to mere descriptive statements of general phenomena without quantitative connotation.

Biological systems are represented by many levels of organisation, not all of which have been resolved into concise concepts and testable theories. Many branches of study serve to connect biology to other sciences, such as paleontology, biophysics and biochemistry. There has been a marked trend for some time towards a synthesis of the biological sciences with other sciences.

Our ever-increasing knowledge in zoology has enabled us to apply this science in human benefit, ranging from prevention of diseases to production of various items for our use, introduction and stabilisation of new hybrids and in many other fields.

1. Medicine:

A knowledge of animals producing various diseases, viz. malaria, filaria, dengue, liver rot, etc., is essential for proper treatment. Further knowledge on anatomy and physiology of experiment animals like rabbit, monkey and others enables us not only to test the drugs but in the manufacture of hormones, enzymes, vaccines, etc.

2. Fibre:

The beautiful silk is really the secretion from the silk glands of the silkworm Bombyx mori. The larva builds a hard protective cocoon around it, within which it pupates. The silk thread is obtained from this cocoon.