Public Administration

 We must, at this stage, also be clear that Public Administration has to do with people and not with things. There is a school of thought which holds that in the future the tendency will be from the administration of persons towards the administration of things.

That is not a correct view and hardly appeals to logical mind. Things may be arranged but ultimately it is the par­ticipation of the human element that matters. Things, no doubt, are of great importance to the administrator who arranges them but they cannot be administered by him.

Administration has to do with human beings for which it is meant. It is managed by human beings, and it serves human beings. It is essentially a matter of social relationships. It must not also be forgotten that the administrator is neither a philosopher nor a politician but the non-political aspect of the executive.

He should administer law as it is. It is none of his business to criticize the acts and policies of the government. He should accept an exile from party politics and devote his atten­tion to the sincere performance of his duties.

According to modern authorities, the subject Public Administration is being put to two usages it is an activity and it also refers to the discipline of intellectual inquiry and study. For instance, enforcement of law and order is an activity and is part of Public Administration.

Pub­lic Administration is also discipline like Economics, Sociology, and Political Science etc. and as such is a subject of study. It studies these activities and functions, frames concepts, formulates theories and shapes models. Nigros’ summarizing of the meaning of Public administration seems more impressive.