Land reforms in india

 Land reform refers to efforts to reform the ownership and regulation of land in India. we can also say that those lands which are redistributed by the government from landholders to landless people for agriculture or special purpose is known as land reform.

The land reforms is an integral part of the scheme of agricultural development and rural reconstruction since the inception of the economic planning in the country.

Some of the most important objectives of land reforms in India are as follows:-

1)Rational use of resources - It can be done by changing the conditions of holdings, ceilings on land holdings. This helps cultivation process in a most economical manner without any wastage of land, labour and capital.

2)Raising Production level - Raise the production level of the agricultural sector by motivating the farmers to raise their output.

3)Removal of Exploitation - This can be attained by redistributing agricultural land in favour of less privileged class of farmers and also by improving the terms and conditions for possessing land for cultivation by actual tillers and abolition of intermediaries.

4)Raising the standard of living - To raise the standard of living of the rural poor through re-distributive packages and programmes.

5)Social Welfare - Promoting social welfare for rural masses and also to end social injustice through equitable distribution of income.