
 Geology (in Greek, Geo means Earth, Logos means Science) is a branch of science dealing with the study of the Earth. It is also known as earth science. The study of the earth comprises of the whole earth, its origin, structure, composition and history (including the development of life) and the nature of the processes.

The word was first used in 1778 in the work of Jean Andrea de Luc (a Swiss-born scientist who lived at Windsor for much of his life as adviser to Queen Charlotte) and at much the same time in the work of Swiss Chemist, S.B. Saucer.

Geology is a fascinating subject.

Geology feels the pulse of the earth.

Geologists contribute their part to the nation through the discovery of new deposits of rocks and minerals of economic value.

A student should know what lies beneath the crust and how long back the earth came into existence.

For studying the earth in detail, the subject of Geology has been divided into various branches as follows:

(i) Physical Geology:

As a branch of geology, it deals with the “various processes of physical agents such as wind, water, glaciers and sea waves”, run on these agents go on modifying the surface of the earth continuously. Physical geology includes the study of Erosion, Transportation and Deposition (ETD).

The earth is a planet belonging to the solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy, with a natural satellite, the moon. It is the third planet from the Sun. The planet on which we live is called the earth. There is a lot of disagreement between the scientists regarding the shape of the earth. In recent times a new phrase being used is that the earth is like a GEOID (Greek, GEO = earth, OID = like) i.e., our planet is like the earth.

They believe that the interior of the earth is shrinking day by day. This shrinkage may be either due to loss of heat or reorganization of molecules under enormous pressure and high temperature. It is thus obvious that the outer portion must shorten its circumference to adjust the shrunken interior.