Civil Engineering

 Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers use their knowledge to supervise and plan construction projects such as roads, airports, bridges, canals, tunnels, and wastewater systems. They also collaborate with architects to design and construct various types of buildings. Some other civil engineering endeavors include highways, airports, pipelines, railroads, levees, and irrigation and sewage systems. Civil engineers try to design their structures to be functional, efficient and durable. Most of the projects civil engineers are involved with have an impact on the environment.

The current employment outlook for civil engineers in Wisconsin is favorable. Those seeking jobs in the field will find very good employment opportunities. This holds true throughout the nation and is also the long-term employment outlook. The factors that effect employment of civil engineers include economic conditions, population growth, and investment in public infrastructures. The Wisconsin average salary for civil engineering positions ranges from $47,400 to $60,600. The national average starts at $47,400 and goes as high as $68,500. Many employees enjoy generous benefit packages that include paid vacation and sick leave as well as health and dental insurance, retirement plans, and profit sharing.

Civil Engineering Not a lot of people know about civil engineering, civil engineering is the building of bridges, roadways, and buildings; but civil engineering is so much more than that. According to Columbia University which is located in New York, civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline, the old civil engineering discipline or sanitary engineering has evolved into the modern environmental engineering of such significance that most academic departments have changed