Students and social service

 Great things are expected of students as they are the citizens of tomorrow. On their broad shoulders rests the responsibility of eradicating illiteracy and ignorance and uplifting the society. India expects them to do their duty and to donate willingly and smilingly, blood, toil, hard work and labour. The aim before students should not be strikes and hooliganism but selfless social service. Students are not mercenaries bit missionaries. They are the torch bearers. They are to burn other lamps with their light. They are to go out to serve their country fellow men. They are to inject their blood into the dry bones of the nation. They are to spread light and laughter wherever they go.

Students get long vacation. It is criminal to let them go waste. Students from vital areas can help the villagers in agriculture. They can turn the fallow lands into smiling fields with their own hands. Students can demonstrate to the villagers the scientific methods of agriculture. They can teach them how to collect village refuse and turn it 8nto manure which doubles the yield of crops per acre. They can impress the villagers that to burn cow dung is to burn gold. It is the students who can do immense social service in the community projects and national extension services. They can brings about a revolution in the villagers and completely change the face of the country.

Illiteracy is rampant in India. It prevails in every nook and corner. Students owe a debt to society. It is their duty to impart education to their illiterate brethren. They must give in the same measure as they have received and are still receiving. The villagers cannot exercise their right to vote intelligently and correctly if they cannot read a book or a newspaper. The students can do a lot in this respect and they must not shirk off their responsibility.

True social service lies in learning the dignity of labour, learning to do things with our own hands. Students must serve the masses as a matter of national duty and as a in labour of love. It would be in the interest of the country if social service is made compulsory for the award of a university degree.

To sum up, every one must work hard to raise india. More work falls to the share of the students as they are more energetic than others. Students must have a burning desire to serve India. They must not expect any reward in return. A good action is its own reward